Some of you might have already heard, but on the 29th and 30th of April at Fort Benning (or Moore, or whatever they're calling it) GA, there is going to be a free open house for the US Army Armor and Cavalry Collection. Everyone is invited to come and view the collection that includes over 200 vehicles from conflicts from before WW1 all the way through to OIF and OEF. There are multiple combat veterans in the collection including the only original and intact British Mark V* heavy tank, Tiger 1, King Tiger, and multiple variants of Sherman medium tanks. Almost a dozen nations are represented in the collection. You might have heard about all of this already, but there has recently been a new development. The 316th Cavalry Brigade has invited all open house attendees to view the live fire rehearsal on Saturday afternoon of the 29th for the best scoyt competition that's taking place in May. This is a full dress rehearsal for the opening ceremony of that event. There will be tanks, Bradleys, Strykers, and more all firing live rounds. It's pretty rare for an installation to open this kind of thing up to the public, so if you've ever wanted to see a tank fire live rounds up close, then this is your chance to do so. Again, this is completely free to attend, but you do need to get a visitor's pass so you can enter the installation which is also free. You can do this at the Fort Benning website or at the visitors center at the main gate the day of. Bear in mind though, that if you wait until the day of, then there will probably be a line. I hope to see some of you there, but if not, that's ok too.
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t sounds it would be cool.