Here in America, today we celebrate our independence from Great Britain (and/or alien invasion). We celebrate the freedom we have to say and do what we want.
With that freedom comes the possibility that we will make decisions that limit our freedom. America as a nation fought a war to be free from control and taxation from a far away country. Sadly, many of us use this freedom to spend, justify borrowing money, and putting ourselves into debt.
Debt limits us by taking more of what we earn away. I've written before that debt is the gift that keeps on taking. Each and every month you pay money in interest for the privilege of having borrowed money for some large (or small) purchase. Every dollar that is paid in interest is one less dollar you could have used more fruitfully or put it to work for you.
Today, as we gather to watch fireworks, spend time with family and reflect on America and all of the blessings we have here, I challenge you to consider working toward your own financial independence. It will make a world of difference for you and your family's future.
thanks Todd.