I came across this video this morning and after what we discussed on the Zo Loft last night, I felt it needed to be shared. Ryan MacBeth seems to be a pretty even keeled guy when it comes to reporting on things like this. He makes good points throughout the video concerning the drones and nuclear weapons, but it's at the end of the video that he makes his best point. The drones are most assuredly ours just based on the fact that they are using FAA collision lights. What they are doing is a mystery and there's a lot of speculation. Now that nuclear weapons sniffers are ruled out, that leaves one of two possibilities: either there's some kind of an exercise being conducted that the public and many inside of the federal government are not being made aware of, or there is some other nefarious reason behind it. As MacBeth stated at the end of the video, the government has lost the public trust, and when they're keeping things like this a secret, we are automatically going to assume that somebody is up to no good. They don't have to say what exactly is taking place, but they should at least announce that they are conducting an exercise so the public is aware. This is getting way out of hand, and if some explaining isn't done soon, then there needs to be some house cleaning and heavy handed punishments handed out to whatever government agency is currently flying these drones around causing mass panic.
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Star Wars Attack of the Drones just missed the nail-head. I wonder if airborne drones was ever a FOCUS-GROUP topic in PRE-PRODUCTION and was shutdown early on.