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Disco Balls!



Disco Balls are a sweet treat that’ll boogie on your sugar jones with all natural delight! No over processed jive.


A simple smash-up of Earth plucked ingredients

to sock it to your snack attack with a jam that’s somewhere between mochi and cookie-dough!​


But best of all, the base of all these are dates.

Not just because it’s healthy far out fruit

that’s all together delish,

but because of what dates represent.


Date fruit grows on palm trees. There’s a word you might be familiar with that refers to palm trees, or date palms.

That word is “Phoenicia”

Long story short. Phoenicia was a nation that was repeatedly conquered but would come back and thrive.

They would “Rise from the ashes” so to speak.

This is symbolized in a cycle with a bird called the Phoenix.

That’s right.

The very name of this bird gets its name from date palms. The very palms that were laid before Yeshua Ha Meshiach

(Jesus Christ) Who is the facilitator of resurrection.


I use date fruit to report of how the date palms or “Phoenicia” and the symbolism of the resurrecting Phoenix implicate Yeshua;  The First Fruits of the Resurrection and the Resurrection Himself. 

Happy snackin’ from PhoeniXsweets


Dig the sweet satisfying flavors of these

Whole Food energy boosters!


Please see note at the bottom of the page concerning deliveries!

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Forget CERN! When dates, apricots,  pecans, a touch of Maple Syrup and salt are smashed together they reveal the mysteries of the universe! Ok, maybe not that, but the universe is indeed gonna be a little bit sweeter to ya with the gobble up worthy Apri-Cobbler! Sweet warm cozy flavor with a tangy touch, and a balance of crunch and chewiness!

Ingredients and nutrition info: Medjool Dates, Apricots, Pecans, Maple Syrup, Salt, Lemon Juice, Coconut Oil.

Each Disco Ball is 1 oz. Four to a pack â€‹â€‹

Pina Colada

If you like Pina ColaaaaDaaaaas! Then you're in for a tropical treat! Palm trees are viewed as big plants of Paradise. Dates and coconuts grow on palm trees. Add pineapple and macadamia nuts to the party and you indeed get a groovy bite of paradise! 

Ingredients and Nutrition info: Medjool Dates​, Coconut, Pineapple, Macadamia Nuts, Coconut Syrup, Salt, Lemon Juice, Coconut Oil.

Each Disco Ball is 1 oz. Four to a pack


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Cherry Bomb Pistachio

Strike back against your snack attack with this date, cherry, and pistachio fusion bomb! The toffee like taste and chew of the dates, complimented by some crunch and fascinating flavor of pistachio (Offered as a gift in the Bible!)

and a touch of tart sweetness from the cherries =

Delicious Dynomiiiiiiiiiite!

Ingredients and Nutrition info: Medjool Dates, Pistachios, Cherries, Coconut Syrup, Salt, Lemon Juice, Coconut Oil.

Each Disco Ball is 1 oz. Four to a pack


Coffee Bean Crunch

It's like taking a bite out of a cappuccino! A smash up of dates and coffee beans are a rockin' compliment to each other! Crunchy, bold, smokey coffee beans rolled up with the caramel and nougat like qualities of dates! A Coffeelicious kick of energy!

Ingredients and Nutrition info:  Medjool Dates, Arabica Coffee beans, Salt, Lemon Juice, Coconut Oil.

Each Disco Ball is 1 oz. Four to a pack​

Pay Date

Inspired by the PayDay candy bar, Here's something for y'all who really dig Paydays, but wanna ditch the refined sugar. Your Pay Date has come! Whole food grooviness! Roasted salted peanuts huddled in with the caramel like qualities of the dates! Satisfy that sweet and salty craving, proper! Healthy, energy kickin' whole food Pay Date!

Ingredients and nutrition info: Medjool Dates, Peanuts, Salt, HoneyLemon Juice, Coconut Oil

Each Disco Ball is 1 oz. Four to a pack


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Munchie Bruiser

When cravings come to bully you, leave 'em black and blue with this Black and blueberry, date and cashew smasher! Don't let them cravings make ya go crooked and grab a whack snack! Put the boots to the munchie monster! The Munchie Bruiser Is like a black and blue berry cobbler popper to clobber the craving for junk food!

Ingredients and Nutrition Info: Medjool Dates, Blue Berries, Black Berries, Cashews, Coconut Syrup. Salt. Lemon Juice, Coconut Oil.
Each Disco Ball is 1 oz. Four to a pack


Almond Rockin' Roca

Think of it like Almond Roca Cookie Dough! Does more need to be said? Yeah! Ya know that rocks!

Ingredients and Nutrition Info: Medjool Dates, Almonds, Unsweetened Cocoa Powder, Date Syrup, Almond Extract, Salt, Lemon Juice, Coconut Oil.

Each Disco Ball is 1 oz. Four to a pack


Go-Nettes Crunch

Inspired by the "Hostess Crunch Donettes"

There's no other crunch doughnut like it! What is it?! Is it toasted coconut? Maybe some cinnamon? Brown Sugar? Don't totally know, but they've been a FAVORITE! So without doing any junkfood voodoo to duplicate it, a smashup of Dates, Toasted Coconut Toasted cashews, a dash of cinnamon were made to give us the Donette Crunch inspired Go-Nette Crunch! Go-Nuts Fo' Sho' Nuts!

Ingredients and Nutrition Info: Medjool Dates, Coconut, Cashews, Coconut Syrup, Cinnamon, Salt, Lemon Juice, Coconut Oil. Each Disco Ball is 1 oz. Four to a pack.




Banana bread, banana muffins, Banana pudding. It's all good! How 'bout Berry Pies, Berry Shakes and cakes? Yup! Good! So let's smash some 'nanners and berries together with some dates and cashews and get this slammin' jam! Banana Berry Disco Balls!

Ingredients and Nutrition: Medjool Dates, Bananas, Strawberries, Raspberries, Cashews, Coconut Syrup, Salt, Lemon Juice, Coconut Oil

Each Disco Ball is 1 oz. Four to a pack


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Maple Pecan Pie-Poppers

Pecan Pie is among The most  classic flavors of Coziness! The flavor is so sweet and mellow that it just makes ya wanna lean back in your chair and say, "Yeeaahhhhh", while makin' ya wanna dance around a bit in your chair and maybe even hum a tune! If ya dig that feeling, these poppers are for you! Fork and plate not needed!

Ingredients and Nutrition Info: 

Medjool Dates, Pecans, Maple Syrup, Salt, Lemon Juice, Coconut Oil.

Each Disco Ball is 1 oz. Four to a pack


Please note! Disco Balls are made fresh to order. They're not mass produced and sitting on a shelf waiting, and I'm the only one making them. There's no staff at this point. Please be patient and trust that it's worth the wait to get the best tasting wholesome sweets on the block! 

Disco Balls can be delivered to customers at no charge within a ten mile radius of 76901!

Shipping & Handling Fees waived for Supporters of Bronze Serpent Media who have been recurring donors prior to March 1, 2025! Just Email me with your order!

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